Hilarious funny text messages

Below are hilarious funny text messages that will make you laugh out loud. Enjoy and stay safe.

Don't let anyone else ruin your day.
It's your day. So... 😁☺️ {Funny texts messages}

People inspiring me to travel when I am young. Meanwhile, my wallet... {Hilarious funny Text message}

Never trust people who have their active status turned off. 😁 (Only Facebook lovers will understand )

Someone: you look cute when you smile.
Meanwhile, me: 😄

My five year old nice saw the blue deer on my shirt and was like “awww it is a boy deer!” I took the opportunity to be like “or it can be a girl deer! Girls like blue too, Olivia”

She stared at me and was like “I said it is a boy because it was antlers”. 
Take my degree away now. 😁☺️😄

Hilarious Text messages humor for young teenagers.

 Below are the best funny text messages that will make you laugh out your sorrows.

Funny text messages
funny text messages
Hilarious funny text messages
Funny texts messages

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