How to win a girl's heart

 Winning a girl's heart should start from your approach to her, beside you don't have to whistle at her as if she were a dog. If you happen to approach a lady unexpectedly, you have to be confident enough.                                ★★★

The majority of us make the error of getting directly to the subject of how much we Love our girlfriend, which is not the first thing to do 


How to win a girl's heart

Women are emotional creatures who are generally more attracted by what they hear, not what they see.

In the case of winning her heart, a lot of things should be considered even before approaching her.
The way you begin your conversation means a lot to her, though you don't have to sound too Innocent.


Writing Love letters or the long romantic email may not help,  it annoys them most; because it shows you're not confident enough to talk to them.

Verified ways to win a girl's heart.

- Sound fun

Rating: highest ★

This is one of the fastest ways to attract ladies, though you don't have to get a mad offer it. You only have to make her laugh at least once in a while.

Remember Psychology says:

This shouldn't make you too rough, you have to do it gently. If you have something to share with her, just do it funnily, and make sure by doing so you didn't show how much you love her. Yes, you have to ensure that she feels happy each to she comes close to you.

look responsible

Rating: Medium

As the world keeps evolving into the gender equality age, it is good to be reminded that today's ladies do not want unreasonable guys. You need to look responsible even if you're not. 

How to win a girl's heart if she has a boyfriend

You don't have to wear a lot of vogue clothes, shoes, or wristwatches before you look responsible, it only has to do with your manner of speaking, walking, talking, behavior, etc.

look different

Rating: Differs

When it comes to winning her heart, looking different (positively) is recommended, but make sure you know what she dislikes and likes, you have to look different from other boys that approach her frequently, both in character and in appearance.

However, doing so will help to draw her attention, so it's good to be attentive to know when her attention is already on you. You have a higher chance of making a good overall impression if you look different (positively) from other guys, but make sure you're positive.

Do you know! When you look different (positively) from other guys, girls will always respect you. “I AM TALKING FROM MY EXPIRES”

- Create less time for her.

Rating: Differs 

In the beginning, this should be the most important thing you should do if you want to attract her. At the very least, try not to show her your face. 
How to win a woman's heart forever

Make a concerted effort to avoid doing too much of anything. You don't have to do this forever, just for a little time. However, creating time for her constantly may come to seem as clingy, which can reduce your chances of winning her heart.

– Be patience

Priority: mandatory

Psychology says: “girls get attracted to a boy within a few hours of seeing her; but the truth is that you still have a higher chance of winning her heart after the few hours.

This means patients should be involved. Remember, “a patient's dog eats the fastest born”.


Being funny without being crude, looking responsible, looking different, creating less time for her, and being patient are the steps to winning a lady's heart.

Yes,  Money should indeed be involved; but a relationship obtained from the Love of money won't last.

So don't include money, or shopping for a lot of things for her if you want a long-lasting relationship.


Remember, don't read this alone, share it with your friends.


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