Important things to do before traveling

 ★ In this article, you will be Educated on important things you should do before traveling abroad or to any country.
However, the process could be hassle-free if you follow the normal procedure for processing.
What is your aim for traveling?
Some could be for vacation, some could be for Education, work, luxury, etc.
Traveling is always fun and exciting.
Things to do before traveling.

Traveling can be very stressful and dangerous if you don't take time for yourself throughout the day and treat yourself with the same respect you treat yourself at home.

Elucidated below are some things to do before traveling.

Create time to feel comfortable.

★ Before traveling the first thing to do is to feel comfortable by participating in morning exercise, taking enough rest, playing or chatting with friends, etc. 
Things to do before traveling abroad.

These help in reducing your nervous system and reducing any traveling-related anxieties.

Stay healthy

It is advisable to pause taking some hard drugs till the journey is over, especially If you're used to hard drugs like cigarettes and other related drugs.

Eating a balanced diet will also help to boost your health status, making your trip to be fun and exciting.
Including eating unprocessed or raw vegetables, fruits, tubers, roots, fresh fruits, etc.

Be prepared

It is going to prepare for the journey 2 months or less before the actual date. It could be keeping all your valuables to one side or putting them in one bag.


“He who fails to prepare is preparing to fail”.

Even if your trip is quite short like some day business meeting or vacation, being prepared is a saving grace.

Know the laws guiding your destination.

You do this to keep yourself safe from breaking laws ignorantly.

Remember in some countries you may not smoke in public, you may not transport the nasty-smelling durian fruit underground, likewise taking pictures using drones may cause you problems in many places; Special permits are required in some places, while the practice is banned completely in Morocco and some other countries.

Master the language of the place you're going, for example: if you're traveling to a French country try and learn some of their common languages.

Be equipped with emergency phone numbers.

Be sure to know some emergency service numbers for your destination or your location.
It is very easy to know some emergency phone numbers with your smartphone or Android.
Anytime you pick up your smartphone you can see your emergency information without you unlocking the phone.

Don't celebrate too early.

The truth is that you shouldn't trust anyone, celebrating and posting achievements on social media will help your enemies back home.
According to Psychology celebrating too early can dwindle one's success.

So in a nutshell, a celebration should be for when you get home.

Be careful.

Don't wait for someone to tell you that the world is completely bad compared to years ago.
Back 15 years ago, people sleep outside their house with 100% peace of mind.
But today one can not have common 50% peace of mind because of many corruption in the world.
Last minute thing to do before traveling internationally.

So please don't take a lot of money or fine jewelry and watches, if you do be careful because criminals may chase after you.


Even if your trip is quite short, like a week business meeting or vacation, creating time to feel comfortable, staying healthy, preparing before the time, knowing emergency phone numbers, being careful, etc are some saving grace.

Thanks for reading to the end, help your friend by sharing it with them.

Thanks, I wish you a fun and peaceful journey.

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